At DIG's November 7th meeting, in an effort to identify and recruit pro-growth candidates, a panel of election authorities discussed their campaign experiences and provided guidance to those considering a run for office in the upcoming 2024 election. Panel participants were Huston Wells, John Sower, Robert Roach, Tommy Haynes and Bourbon County Judge Executive Mike Williams. The experience and expertise they provided these potential candidates was priceless and much appreciated. Here is a summary of the questions and answers provided:
Question and Answer Summary:
1. Where do you start when considering running for local political office? For example, based on your experience, what caused you to decide to pursue a given office? What steps did you take to learn about the issues impacting the community?
** The first step in considering a run for local office is to engage in an open conversation with your family, spouse, partner, and children. Running a campaign will have a profound impact not only on your life but also on those with whom you share it. It's vital to reflect on your life experiences to evaluate your readiness for pursuing elected office. If you find that you are inherently shy, apprehensive about criticism, or hold significant reservations about pursuing such a role, it might be advisable to reconsider your decision to run for elected office. Take the time to contemplate the level of dedication and commitment required to run a successful campaign and to develop a deep understanding of the pertinent issues. All the panelists underscored the importance of assembling a dedicated team to formulate a comprehensive strategy for promoting your candidacy and effectively spreading the word about your campaign.
When it comes to learning about the issues facing the community, seeking a mentor can be incredibly beneficial in helping you grasp these matters. You should also reach out to and network with highly accomplished individuals who can serve as valuable members of your election team and become ambassadors.
Candidates can further familiarize themselves with the issues by attending city commission meetings and seeking insights from both current and former officeholders, enabling them to gain a well-rounded perspective on the pros and cons of various issues.
2. What are the best ways a candidate can create name awareness for himself or herself?
** Establishing a high level of name recognition is arguably the most crucial factor for running a successful campaign. Without substantial name awareness, you might find yourself needing to allocate a significant budget to advertising efforts solely to build recognition. Fortunately, there are cost-effective methods for candidates with lower name recognition to increase their visibility within the community.
One effective approach is to become actively involved in your community. Engage with your local church and participate in its ministries. Volunteer your time and expertise in non-profit organizations by serving on their committees. Whenever you're out in public, consider wearing a campaign-themed T-shirt or a name tag that reads, 'Vote for (insert your name).' This simple act can spark conversations and generate inquiries about your candidacy.
Additionally, make it a point to attend various community events while donning your campaign attire. This not only creates awareness for your name but also provides an opportunity to engage with people and discuss your candidacy.
Furthermore, the panelists underscored the significance of a door-knocking campaign as a highly effective method for introducing yourself and building name recognition. Distribute campaign literature as you visit households, giving residents an opportunity to learn more about your campaign.
3. How much should a candidate plan to spend for a successful campaign and can you give examples of the effective ways to raise money for a campaign?
** When devising a fundraising campaign strategy and targeting potential contributors, it's essential to begin with your closest network, including family, relatives, and close friends. These are the individuals who know you best and may be more inclined to provide you with the initial financial support needed. Relying on personal connections is preferable to seeking a loan from a bank, especially for local campaigns.
Explore the option of engaging people within your network who have extensive connections to host fundraisers in their homes. These events provide an opportunity for more personal interactions with potential donors, strengthen your campaign's outreach and allow you to share your vision and engage them in your cause.
Recognize that fundraising can be a challenging endeavor for a single individual. It's advisable to assemble a small team of 2 to 3 dedicated individuals to help you raise funds, as a collaborative effort is often more effective in achieving your fundraising goals.
Furthermore, appointing a Treasurer to assist in managing the finances and handling the required paperwork, in accordance with the election office's guidelines, is crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability throughout your campaign.
4. In your experience, what did you find to be the most effective ways to advertise your candidacy?
** There are numerous strategies to promote your candidacy, including the use of social media, direct mail, yard signs, telephone calls, newspaper ads, digital advertising, radio ads, door-to-door canvassing, TV and podcast interviews, candidate forums, debates, and utilizing your website to articulate your views on policies and budgetary matters. Among these strategies, many experts suggest that social media is perhaps the most crucial, as it allows a candidate to share content and images daily, engage the public with your campaign efforts and policy positions, and provides a platform for meaningful conversations. Candidates can post videos and podcasts in which they respond to questions about their campaign. Note: Be cautious about sharing personal information on social media to avoid potential repercussions later. Although social media has its benefits, negative news spreads quickly, and you wouldn't want to find yourself in a situation where you have to manage damage control instead of addressing community concerns.
Additionally, digital advertising, encompassing online display ads, digital banners, and search ads, has been identified as a cost-effective method for expanding your reach with a favorable return on investment. When seeking campaign managers, it's essential to ensure they possess experience in social media to help create and share content, extending your outreach to potential voters.
Yard signs were also discussed as an effective means of advertising your name. It was recommended to use a distinctive combination of colors and graphics to establish your campaign's brand and increase name recognition. The size of yard signs may also indicate the campaign's financial resources, so it's important to be mindful of the size of signs produced and to avoid small ones. One suggestion is to use extra-large signs and place them in highly visible locations, which saves time during setup and removal after the election. Once a sufficient level of name recognition is achieved (usually earned by incumbents), displaying only extra-large signs may be effective, but until your name is widely recognized, it's advisable to use both extra-large and standard-sized yard signs to maximize exposure throughout the city.
When engaging in door-knocking to introduce yourself (or if team members are canvassing on your behalf), it's crucial to wear a campaign name tag and/or branded shirt with your name. Distribute campaign literature outlining your platform and inquire whether a campaign sign can be placed in the front yard of the homeowner.
Radio ads can also increase candidate name recognition, but they should also serve as a call to action, directing listeners to visit your website and/or Facebook page. TV advertising, while impactful, can be expensive. To optimize campaign funds, consider exploring advertising packages offered by local providers like the Frankfort Plant Board. It's important to prioritize your campaign budget. For instance, if the cost of two weeks of cable TV advertising can fund four to five additional direct mail campaigns and more digital advertisements, you may benefit more from allocating resources to mailers and digital campaigns because you will create a more consistent presence.
Remember that the effectiveness of each advertising method may vary based on your specific campaign and target audience. Tailor your approach accordingly and make data-driven decisions to maximize your campaign's success.
5. If a pro-growth organization like DIG was established when you were running for office, what type of support would you expect to receive?
** The panelists acknowledged that Frankfort must increase its population, job opportunities, and leverage the economic prospects presented by the private sector. Frankfort can still prosper without compromising its identity as a small, charming town, which is not only the home of our state's capital but also conveniently located for bourbon enthusiasts. It was suggested that candidates should focus on developing strategies for achieving sustainable growth, as we cannot afford to remain stagnant. Otherwise, our only alternatives would be to raise taxes, reduce city services, and lose residents to other cities that offer more quality-of-life amenities.
Rodney Williams, the moderator, took the opportunity to outline how DIG would support pro-growth, qualified candidates. Examples of this support include:
· Individual members of DIG (not DIG as an organization) may offer financial backing to candidates.
· Send personal emails to their friends and family to promote candidates.
· Create social media posts in support of candidates.
· Draft letters to the State Journal editor for potential publication.
· Provide education on ongoing growth initiatives and the obstacles to growth.
· Offer coaching to candidates to help them prepare for forums, debates, and TV and podcast interviews.
6. Looking back at your campaigns, what do you wish you had done differently that could help a prospective candidate running in the next election cycle?
** The panelists were quite candid in sharing their ideas for improving their election campaigns. Suggestions included enlisting more people to assist with campaign efforts, particularly individuals with credibility and a strong reputation within the community. Door-to-door canvassing was highlighted as a pivotal strategy, as it fosters a personal connection with residents and offers valuable insights into their concerns and priorities. Having respected figures on your team can be likened to receiving endorsements, which can significantly boost name recognition in a positive manner.
Furthermore, some panelists emphasized the importance of crafting more effective content for social media and understanding its potential benefits for a candidate's campaign. You want to have a consistent and continual presence once you start campaigning. Others recommended increasing digital advertising to expand the reach and awareness of the campaign platform. They also stressed the need for discretion, advising candidates to carefully consider their statements, ensuring they align with the broader context and consequences.
Additional insights suggest that candidates should "put in extra effort" by assembling a dedicated team of individuals who share the campaign's mission. Effective campaigning cannot rely solely on the candidate's efforts. Networking with other officeholders is considered crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of pertinent issues and crafting innovative solutions. The more informed you are about these issues, the more credible you'll appear. If you can establish a reputation as a thoughtful, reasonable, and dedicated problem solver who prioritizes the well-being of residents without increasing bureaucracy or regulations and opposes tax hikes and excessive overhead at City Hall, your candidacy will be respected and effective.
