DIG Frankfort is hosting a membership drive on Wednesday, Sept 20 from 5pm to 7pm at the Stillmeadow Farm located at 2351 Peaks Mill Rd. All DIG members are encouraged to attend and to invite a DIG candidate to the event. Candidate members are those who want to see Frankfort/Franklin County grow and are actively or formerly engaged in providing accounting, architectural, appraisal, construction, development, finance, insurance, legal, maintenance, management, ownership, sales, or other similar services re: commercial property located in our community.
This is a great opportunity to hear about DIG Frankfort’s plans to help promote the improvement of business conditions for growth as it relates to all facets of development. We have exciting plans to help bring parties together to make Frankfort a viable place to do business. Light refreshments and food will be provided.
Members, please RSVP your guests or ask them to reply by Sept 18 to DIGFRANKFORTKY@gmail.com.