When Frankfort citizens demonize companies that are trying to invest in our community, it reinforces Frankfort’s reputation as a town that is hard to do business in. It’s one thing to debate the proper process that a business should follow to get approval for development, and it’s quite another thing to accuse a reputable company of bullying tactics and spreading lies. When the Buffalo Trace Distillery proposed to build bourbon warehouses in Peaks Mill, fighting words such as, “preying on the people, launching propaganda to overtake citizens, tearing down residential areas, killing birds and wildlife, running roughshod over the people” were just a few examples, and unfortunately contributed to our reputation as being anti-growth, anti-expansion, and not business friendly.
Further, when some citizens expressed support for Buffalo Trace’s position to build warehouses in Peaks Mill using only 10% of the 400+ acres, they were faced with name calling. Those who spoke favorably of Buffalo Trace’s commitment to improve the wetlands and surrounding environment were accused of telling half-truths and not working in good conscience. The supporters who recognized that change is inevitable and sought a compromise with the Buffalo Trace Distillery that would foster growth and increase our tax base were accused of being part of a capitalistic, greedy, special-interest group.
Even when it was reported that the Buffalo Trace Distillery could not proceed with the text amendment to build bourbon warehouses, some opponents continued to pile on. Upon reports of Buffalo Trace’s failed efforts, some were quick to suggest that the distillery was still a threat to Peaks Mill and that they don’t care about quality-of-life issues and used that old tiresome accusation of being capitalists who only care about profits.
While it’s fine to express opinions, it’s unfortunate to make accusatory, vitriolic remarks when the facts or opinions don’t align with one’s point of view. At a time when Frankfort is already suffering from a poor reputation in the business community for being difficult to work with, this enduring debate over Buffalo Trace’s proposed expansion only reinforced it. Accusing companies wanting to invest in Frankfort of lying, bullying, and running roughshod, in the end, only hurts Frankfort.
As a community, we need to recognize that this unflattering reputation is not helpful to keep our tax revenues growing. Developers will overlook Frankfort as a place to do business because they don’t have the appetite to be disrespected when there is disagreement. It doesn’t hurt prospective developers to disregard Frankfort and look for another city to invest in; it only hurts Frankfort.
With that said, we must elect people who realize that Frankfort has an unfavorable reputation among many developers and business owners and willing to change this. We must elect people who are committed to work with developers and business owners to understand the difficulties that they experience in Frankfort. We must elect people who are willing to educate the public on the necessity for Frankfort to grow its tax base to fund the growing operating budget that includes services and amenities. To ensure a future that makes Frankfort a great place to live and make a living, we must elect people who can envision Frankfort’s quality-of-life measures that includes a business-friendly reputation and who are willing to take corrective measures to foster positive, pro-growth initiatives that will go a long way to help Frankfort!