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Elected Leaders Responsible For Their Poor Decisions

Writer's picture: digfrankfortkydigfrankfortky

I am trying to determine whether I am frightened or angry about recent decisions of “community leaders” concerning proposed development projects. It is hard to say whether our local “leadership” is dishonest, or just incompetent.

For example, while looking at a map of the two CONNECTED properties, Bill May and Tim Luscher voted that 690 Duncan Road is not “adjacent to an existing industrial park in Franklin County.” Do they not know how to read a map? Were they just being dishonest? Do they not understand the meaning of adjacent? Either way, their behavior is indefensible.

Then, as if that is not ridiculous enough, Paul Looney stated that there were 600 acres currently zoned IG and available for industrial development even though there had been testimony to the contrary. Then, when questioned by Mr. Lee, he stated there had been no testimony. And Bill May agreed with him. Was Mr. Looney not paying attention during the testimony stating there was less than 100 acres of industrial land available in Franklin County or was he just being blatantly dishonest? Again, either way is inexcusable.

It is my assumption that each member of the Planning Commission has access to the Comprehensive Plan and understands that the Future Land Use Map is a portion of that Plan. On that map, 690 Duncan Road is clearly designated a Future Employment Center, and yet Mr. Sanderson, and again May and Luscher, voted that it does not. Do we need to provide map reading instructions to the committee who determines land use in Franklin County?

As if that wasn’t debacle enough, in a later meeting Fiscal Court members Tracy and Mueller refused to request the Buffalo Trace text amendment be sent to the Planning Commission, as was the proper procedure according to an Opinion from the Attorney General, because they “didn’t understand”, while the rest of the attendees understood clearly. Of course, the rest of the attendees aren’t in the middle of an election.

At that same meeting, Marti Booth stated that “her constituents” told her they didn’t want the text amendment. But I am her constituent, as was the person sitting next to me, and we both told her we supported the text amendment. She apparently only listens to the constituents who agree with her.

And while we continue to hear, over and over again, that the “black mold” might be harmful to people, the fact is there have been numerous scientific studies that show it has no negative health effects. But I think the true test is that it has been around since before prohibition and we know of NO ONE who has ever gotten sick from it.

This type of unethical and incapable behavior has gotten completely out of hand and must be addressed. Representatives of this community should never be allowed to intentionally be dishonest, nor should they be incapable to perform the duties of their roles and remain in them.

The responsibilities lie completely on the shoulders of your elected officials. Many of them are bad actors, and they appoint bad actors -so they are responsible for their performance, or lack of. And they are responsible for poor decisions that negatively affect our tax revenue and ability to function as a community without raising taxes.

We, the taxpayers and voters of this community, should be insulted that they think we are not smart enough to recognize their games and we should be diligent about holding them accountable for serving this community with integrity, truth, and competency. And if they cannot, or refuse to, they should be removed.

Stephen Terrell

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